Kabbalah Reading List
Kabbalah Reading List
"The Mystical Qabalah" by Dion Fortune. The classic book on the subject that everyone tells you to read. Very dense, so it's not the best introduction to the subject, but full of info. Available in paperback in a revised edition by Weiser Books.
"Qabalistic Concepts: Living the Tree" by William G. Gray. Very intelligent, detailed, covering many areas. More accessible than Dion Fortune. Published by Samuel Weiser, Inc.
"Qabalah: A Magical Primer" by John Bonner. A scholarly study, with more of an emphasis on contemporary Western Magick, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Weiser Books.
"The Kabbalah Tree: A Journey of Balance & Growth" by Rachel Pollack. The author is a major authority on Tarot, and gives fascinating insights. The trade paperback includes a Tree of Life poster by Hermann Haindl, who has designed his own Tarot deck. The poster is very "organic," with animals and subtle imagery -- a great alternative to the standard graphical depictions. Llewellyn Publications, 2004.
"The Fool's Pilgrimage: Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tarot" by Stephan A. Hoeller. The twenty-two paths on the Tree of Life correspond to the twenty-two Major Arcana cards of the Tarot. The slim book has a very informative introduction and overview, and also comes with a CD of Mr. Hoeller reading the meditations for each path. Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House.
Mr. Hoeller is a leading Gnostic scholar, his Gnostic Society is located in the Los Angeles area. Their website: http://gnosis.org/gnostsoc/gnostsoc.htm
Some of his best lectures on Kabbalah, and related Western Hermetic traditions, are available at: http://www.bcrecordings.net/store/
"The Complete Guide to the Kabbalah" by Will Parfitt. Subtitled, "How to apply the ancient mysteries of the Kabbalah to your everyday life." Great insights, with some charts, and suggestions for meditations. Published by Rider.
"The Practical Kabbalah Guidebook" by C.J.M. Hopking. A great overview/introduction, with many illustrations. Has visualization exercises. Published by Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York.
"God Is a Verb: The Practice of Mystical Judaism" by Rabbi David A. Cooper. An accessible study of Kabbalah from a more Judaic perspective. Riverhead Books, New York.
B. O. T. A., "Builders of the Adytum"
Adytum is "a sacred place," a metaphor for the soul. The organization was founded in 1922 by Paul Foster Case, to teach the Western Mystery Tradition. They have well-respected correspondence courses in Qabalah, Tarot, Alchemy, and so on. They publish a wonderful poster of The Tree of Life. B.O.T.A., 5101 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90042. Web site: http://www.bota.org/ Email: botahq@aol.com (800) 255-0041. They also have books and audio tapes for sale via mail order.
"Promethea" by Alan Moore & J.H. Williams, III. Comic book/Graphic Novel series originally published in 1999 thru 2004.
In issues 13 to 23 Promethea goes on a Kabbalah "Road Trip" through all ten Sephiroth. Each Sephirah is illustrated by a different style of art, like Van Gogh or Dali or MC Escher, while the characters discuss the meanings and symbolism contained therein. Available in collected editions as graphic novels in paperback & hardcover, in most book stores; the individual issues of comics, are available at most comic shops. Published by America's Best Comics, a division of Wildstorm, a division of DC Comics. DC website: